
Please watch. this space for details on what we're up to & places we've been!



We say it’s March already, when the truth is we are already just into the second week! January drags and the rest of the year flies, or is it simply that we’re getting old!!?

Anyway, we are slowly plodding along, sadly Andy is still out of work, having been made redundant last November. The job market is starting to get a bit more buoyant, so we’re keeping everything crossed that something comes along for him soon.

In the meantime, we’ve been busy in the garden, moving pots around, prepping our veggie patch and generally getting everything ready for a new growing year.

Lucy has been creating a few new collages too, while Andy has taken a few photographs, sadly the weather has been pretty awful and it’s no fun getting out in the pouring rain to capture a pretty landscape.

We’re keeping everything crossed that we can get out next month and get some beautiful pictures of the bluebells, which we think may well have to be made into some more greetings cards, so watch our Facebook page for updates.

New month, more ideas..


We can’t believe that it’s already been a month since we launched our collaboration. We already have 125 followers on our brand new Facebook page, which is absolutely brilliant.

We’ve made a few sales too, which is even better, thank you!

We still have a few more things to add to the website, unfortunately, we have both been laid up this past week with stinking colds, we have been absolutely wiped out, so creating has been the last thing on our minds.

Please do follow us on Facebook and Instagram, as new things will appear over there before they get listed here, we wouldn’t want you to miss out.

New Collaboration launched


What a few weeks it has been, agreeing a name for our collaboration, getting our wonderful daughter to create the logo for us & finally setting up a new Facebook page, changing our instagram accounts & finally this website too!